v9.6.4 (Database Updated 02/09/2024)

Database updated on 02/09/2024 with 30666 changes
Gene Annotation Version 6.55
Anatomy Ontology Version 2023-12-07

Welcome to REDfly
Regulatory Element Database for Drosophila and other insects v9.6.4
OBO Fly Anatomy Term Term ID ImaGO Term
HANC FBbt:00005256 anterior posterior gradient
Kc167 cell-line FBbt:00005349 pupal stage
Pcd11 neuroblast FBbt:00005881 segment boundary
Ppd3 neuroblast FBbt:00005873 compartment
adult clypeo-labral anlage FBbt:00004203 maternal
anterior midgut body FBbt:00005245 anatomical descriptive term
anterior midgut invagination FBbt:00005252 terminal
anterior midgut proper primordium FBbt:00005250 segment polarity
cardiac outflow muscle FBbt:00005257 egg length
dorsal anterior deuterocerebral neuroblast FBbt:00005860 relative spatial subset
early spermatid FBbt:00005289 embryonic stage
ectodermal derivative FBbt:00005253 segmentallay repeated
embryo-derived cell-line FBbt:00005369 adult stage
embryonic anterior midgut FBbt:00005245 anatomical descriptive term
embryonic heart anchoring cell primordium FBbt:00005255 dorsal ventral gradient
embryonic/larval heart anchoring cell FBbt:00005254 gradient
germinal proliferation center FBbt:00005259 developmental stage
hemocyte primordium FBbt:00005247 pair rule
hemocyte-derived cell-line FBbt:00005336 larval stage
imaginal disc-derived cell-line FBbt:00005342 prepual stage
larval heart anchoring cell FBbt:00005256 anterior posterior gradient
midgut posterior body FBbt:00005251 gap
midgut primordium FBbt:00005246 embryonic expression pattern
posterior embryonic midgut FBbt:00005251 gap
primary spermatocyte FBbt:00005286 egg stage
prolamellocyte FBbt:00005248 even pair rule
proplasmatocyte FBbt:00005249 odd pair rule
stomodeal invagination late FBbt:00005252 terminal
type II bouton FBbt:00005840 anatomical descriptive qualifier
type III bouton FBbt:00005841 spatial subset
type III bouton FBbt:00005841 spatial subset
Funded in part by the NSF and the NIGMS

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