v9.6.5 (Database Updated 06/06/2024)

Database updated on 06/06/2024 with 437 changes
Gene Annotation Version 6.57
Anatomy Ontology Version 2024-04-25

Welcome to REDfly
Regulatory Element Database for Drosophila and other insects v9.6.5


 Scientific Name   Genome Version   Cis-regulatory Modules   Reporter Constructs   Cis-regulatory Module Segments   Predicted Cis-regulatory Modules   Transcription Factor Binding Sites 
Aedes aegyptiaaeg51619000
Anopheles gambiaeagam42337000
Drosophila melanogasterdm6579876725742143182806
Tribolium castaneumtcas5.2810000
Funded in part by the NSF and the NIGMS

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