v9.6.5 (Database Updated 06/06/2024)

Database updated on 06/06/2024 with 437 changes
Gene Annotation Version 6.57
Anatomy Ontology Version 2024-04-25

Welcome to REDfly
Regulatory Element Database for Drosophila and other insects v9.6.5
  • REDfly v9.6.5 released
  • Fix some bugs
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.6.4 released
  • The public beta version of SCRMshaw page is online
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.6.3 released
  • Remove links
  • Add some chromosomes
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.6.2 released
  • Fix some bugs
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.6.1 released
  • Temporarily suspend the update of iCRM data
  • Rename some elements
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.6.0 released
  • REDfly JBrowse releases
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.5.4 released
  • Refactor the CRM algorithm
  • Rewrite the entire update process
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.5.3 released
  • Shorter Sequence bug fixed
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.5.2 released
  • Fix some bugs in edit module
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.5.0 released
  • Source code available in GitHub
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.4.4 released
  • Minor start/end coordinates search bug fixed
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.4.3 released
  • Minor TFBS curation bug fixed
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.4.2 released
  • Audience Reports
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.4.1 released
  • Google Analytics 4.0
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.4.0 released
  • New enhancer/silencer attribute available for curators and users
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.3.2 released
  • Batch menu bugs fixed
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.3.0 released
  • Now developmental stages and biological processes included in the search interface
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.2.0 released
  • Now using the version 10.5 of MariaDB
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.1.0 released
  • Pubmed ID search expanded to include staging data
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.0.1 released
  • New Aedes aegypti data included in the REDfly database
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v9.0.0 released
  • New Tribolium castaneum data included in the REDfly database
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v8.2.2 released
  • Two new insect species, Aedes aegypti and Tribolium castaneum, available for REDfly curators
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v8.2.1 released
  • The coordinates search mechanism improved by including a common error margin for both coordinates
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v8.2.0 released
  • The individual and batch editing of all REDfly entity kinds adapted for the multispecies factor
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v8.1.0 released
  • New Anopheles gambiae data included in the REDfly database
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v8.0.0 released
  • Additional insect species included in the REDfly database
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v7.1.1 released
  • Improvements in the curator interface
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v7.1.0 released
  • Staging data available in the individual and batch downloads
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v7.0.4 released
  • A new entity: cis-regulatory module segments (CRMseg)
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v6.0.2 released
  • Now the UCSC links appoint to the version dm6
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v6.0.1 released
  • A bug fix in the ectopic values of the user display
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v6.0.0 released
  • Developmental staging and other expression attributes data now available
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.6.1 released
  • Several curation enhancements and a minor bug fixed
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.6 released
  • A new enhancement of developmental staging data for curators besides minor improvements and bug fixes
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.5.3 released
  • Various bug fixes and curation enhancements
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.5.2 released
  • Various bug fixes
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.5.1 released
  • Various bug fixes and documentation updates
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.5 released
  • Various updates to the back end
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.4.3 released
  • Inferred CRMs are now based on current data
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.4.2 released
  • Inferred and predicted CRMs are now searchable (basic search only)
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.4.1 released
  • A minor release with a number of bug fixes and improvements
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.4 released
  • Brand new website design and enhanced searchability of our records
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.3.1 released
  • This release comes with several bug fixes and improvements
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.3 released
  • Pagination has been introduced. Search results are no longer limited to 1,000 results
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.2.2 released
  • The FlyBase anatomy ontology has been updated to the latest release
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.2.1 released
  • Over 250 new CRMs has been added to the database
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.2 released
  • Inferred CRMs are now enabled. Click browse all on the search page to view them
  • Batch downloads has been fixed -- BED, CSV, FASTA, GFF3 and GBrowse files can be downloaded for RCs, CRMs and TFBSes
  • And much more. Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.1.1 released
  • A minor update to add a note in the search form informing the user that only 1,000 results are displayed
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.1 released
  • All genome and other supporting data updated to FlyBase version FB2016_03
  • Add 10000+ cell-line only data
  • Add "exclude cell-line only" option when searching
  • Breakdown CRM numbers by category on homepage
  • Link to Fly Enhancers
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v5.0 released
  • All genome and other supporting data updated to FlyBase version FB2016_02
  • New “locus-based” searching implemented, default +/- 10 kb from selected gene
  • Move from continuous-release to versioned-release cycle
  • New RC/CRMs added, new images added
  • Curator tools for batch upload revised
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v4.1 released
  • Added option to download records in BED formats
  • PubMed citation is fetched using a different version of the E-utitlies API
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v4.0 released
  • Records updated to include R6 coordinates
  • Minor big fixes to to the user interface
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • REDfly v3.3 released
  • Over 7830 new constructs added (includes the Vienna tile lines)
  • Records updated to include R6 coordinates
  • Please see the Release Notes for more details
  • Updated RC/CRM minimization status
  • Synteny data updated
  • Minor bug fixes

REDfly v3.2 is released
  • All the coordinates updated to have one-based start and end
  • Yeast 1-hybrid added as a TFBS data source option
  • Assorted administrative/curation interface fixes

REDfly v3.1 is released
  • Over 2000 records added
  • GBrowse display updated
  • Minor bug fixes

REDfly updates
  • Over the next month or two we will be updating REDfly to include over 1600 new reporter construct/CRM records. So that the new data are available to our users as quickly as possible, we are releasing them on a daily basis as "reporter construct" records. However, calculation of reporter construct attributes such as whether or not they are considered "CRMs", whether regions have been "minimized," and syntenty information has not yet been conducted. Please take this into account when using the database and as always, note your dates of access

REDfly v3.0 is released
  • Completely redesigned user interface
  • Enhanced search capabilities
  • Inclusion of
    • Gene location information
    • Synteny information for CRMs
    • FlyExpress images
    • Inferred CRMs
  • For a full description of new data and features see our recent NAR paper

REDfly enhancements
  • The REDfly interface is undergoing upgrades! Over the next several weeks we will be rolling out a number of interface enhancements to the "search" and "results" pages, including autocomplete search fields and other helpful new features. Please bear with us during our upgrade process and let us know about any bugs or problems
  • REDfly is moving to a continuous update cycle. Newly curated CRMs and TFBSs will be added to the database on an ongoing basis. The most recently added records can be retrieved using the "view updates" button on the Search page or by using our "search by date - last updated after" feature. Please note that new or updated records do NOT cause the REDfly version to update. As always when accessing data from an online database, please make note of the date on which you access your data and include this in any reports of analysis performed using REDflyrecords

REDfly v2.1 is released
  • Minor data corrections
  • Synchronized all coordinates with UCSC Blat database
  • Minor user interface enhancements

REDfly v2.0 is released
  • 1344 TFBS imported from the Drosophila DNAseI footprint database and cross-referenced with CRMs in REDfly
  • New search options CRM, TFBS, CRM with TFBS, TFBS with CRM
  • Inclusion of Release 5 Coordinates
  • Minor user interface enhancements
Funded in part by the NSF and the NIGMS

Copyright © University at Buffalo—State University of New York. REDfly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. See License.
The copyrights of all curated content belong to their respective owners.